Treatment of atherosclerosis - a very difficult task. There is no medicine that can help everyone at once. Each patient may have their own peculiarities of the disease. Treatment of atherosclerosis for a long, almost a lifetime, requiring significant economic costs.
At present, there are several routes of exposure to the disease:
Reduced admission of cholesterol in the body
Reduction of cholesterol synthesis in the cells of organs and tissues
Increased excretion of cholesterol and its metabolism products
Reduction of lipid peroxidation
Application estrogenzameschayuschey therapy in menopausal women
The impact of possible infectious agents.
Reduce the intake of cholesterol in the body can be through diet, exclusion from the diet of foods containing fats and cholesterol. This will be discussed below, because such a diet also serves as the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.
In order to carry out medical treatment, you must first obtain the data of biochemical analysis of blood. This allows you to specify the content of cholesterol and its various fractions of lipids. In Russia, 60% of people have cholesterol above normal, while 20% - these numbers are simply too high. European Association of Cardiology developed a table for patients with coronary artery disease. This table is called "The Rules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5," which allows the physician to determine the therapeutic approach.
Today in the world for the treatment of atherosclerosis using four groups of drugs.
Preparations of nicotinic acid. The advantage of these drugs - low price. However, to achieve the effect required high doses of 1.5-3 g per day, equivalent to the existing pharmacies in the nicotinic acid tablets is 30-60 tablets of 0.05 g When you receive such a large number of tablets can vozniktut hot flashes, headaches, pain in the stomach. Do not take niacin on an empty stomach and drink hot tea or coffee. Nicotinic acid effectively lowers cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, increases the antiatherogenic HDL plotnosti.Odnako such treatment is contraindicated in patients with liver disease, as niacin can cause malfunction of the liver and steatosis.
Fibrates. This group includes drugs such as gevilan, atromid, miskleron. They reduce the synthesis of fat in the body. They can also disrupt the liver and enhance the formation of gallstones.
The next group of drugs - bile acid sequestrants. Their action is similar to that of ion exchange resins. They bind bile acids in the intestine and remove them. Since bile acids are a product of cholesterol and fat, thereby reducing the amount of cholesterol and fats in the blood. These medications include cholestyramine and holestid. All of them are unpleasant to the taste, so it is usually recommended to drink their juice or soup. In the application of bile acid sequestrants may be constipation, bloating, and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they can disrupt the absorption of other medications, so other medications must be taken for 1 hour or 4 hours after taking bile acid sequestrants.
The strongest reduction of cholesterol and fats in the blood is obtained by application of the statin drugs. These drugs reduce the production of cholesterol by the body. Statins are derived from fungi (Zocor, Mevacor, pravahol) or synthetically produced (Lescol). Assign these drugs once a day, evening, as the night increased production of cholesterol. The effectiveness of statins proved by many studies. Unfortunately, they also can cause malfunction of the liver.
It must be remembered that the treatment can be most effective only when subject to the doctor's recommendations on the principles of healthy eating and healthy lifestyles, and surgical treatment of atherosclerosis - this is only his treatment of severe complications, which, unfortunately, does not warrant further development and progression of the disease.