In the treatment of renovascular disease are used as conservative treatment, and operational.
By conservative methods include:
Diuretics (diuretics) - medicines that increase urine formation, and hence is removed from the body fluid, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure.
Beta-blockers - these drugs reduce heart rate, thus reducing the so-called ejection fraction. It also leads to lower blood pressure.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors - these drugs reduce the formation of the hormone angiotensin, which is formed from renin. Renin is known to be formed in the kidneys, and its formation increased in violation of renal blood flow.
Calcium channel blockers - These drugs act directly on blood vessels, enhancing their clearance, resulting in lowered blood pressure. Thrombolysis
In a sudden thrombosis of the renal artery can be used a method such as thrombolysis. Thrombolysis - it dissolves the thrombus by special agents - thrombolytics. These include streptokinase, urokinase, alteplase, and others. These drugs are fed through a catheter, which is fed directly to the clot. Before the procedure is usually performed thrombolysis angiography to clarify the localization of a blood clot.
When renal vein thrombosis appointed anticoagulants - drugs that reduce blood clotting. At the same time have formed a blood clot can not grow further, and it gradually dissolves.
Angioplasty and stenting
This minimally invasive procedures that relate to the operating methods of treatment. When angioplasty of narrowing the artery to the site through the inguinal crease access to the femoral artery catheter was introduced ad hoc, at the end of which is inflated with the catheter. Before angioplasty performed angiography, also to clarify the localization of narrowing of the lumen of the vessel. Next, the tip of the catheter is brought to the site of narrowing and the balloon is inflated, thereby expanding the lumen of the vessel. The procedure is usually supplemented angioplasty stenting. At the same time to the place of expanded lumen after angioplasty is supplied in a compressed form of a stent - a wire metal structure that serves as scaffold for the vessel. The stent is decompressed and is pressed into the vessel wall. As a result, blood flow is restored.
Surgical treatments for renovascular disease
These methods include endarterectomy and bypass grafting.
When the surgeon conducts the operation endarterectomy scraping the inner layer of the artery walls, are removed and atheromatous plaques. Artery at the same time increasing blood flow and restored.
Bypass surgery is that bypassing the narrowed or blocked blood vessel area creates a shunt. As the graft is usually used any part of the patient's own veins or artificial tube. The choice of method of operation of envy of the patient, the degree of narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels and other factors. Prevention of renovascular disease
The first thing to change their way of life. Prevention of this disease is to prevent risk factors. It consists of the following: