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Sunday, 02.02.2025, 09:02
Main » ENT Diseases » The defeat of the pharynx in systemic blood diseases 
The defeat of the pharynx in systemic blood diseases

The defeat of the pharynx in systemic blood diseases

Infectious mononucleosis or lymphatic angina is an infectious disease agent which has not yet been found. Infectious mononucleosis is usually the case with children and young adults.

For the disease characterized by:
  • fever
  • anginopodobnye changes in the pharynx
  • adenosplenomegaliya and hematological changes - leukocytosis and a large number of atypical mononuclear cells
  • for serological studies revealed antibodies.

The incubation period lasts from 4-5 day sometimes up to 10 days. In early disease the body temperature rises to 38-40 C and lasts from 5 days to 2 - 4 weeks, sometimes longer, sometimes with a period of improvement.

Early and constant feature of the disease is swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck at the beginning and then become involved inguinal, axillary, abdominal and dr.Oni dense, painless on palpation, do not suppurate, regression exposed only at the end of the disease after normalization of body temperature, are sometimes enlarged for a longer period. The majority of patients with lymph nodes at the same time increasing the liver and spleen.

Changes in the throat usually occur after lymph node enlargement and remind one of the banal angina - bluetongue, lacunary, fibrinous, less necrotizing. The raids on the tonsils are long, sometimes moving to the mucous membrane of the palatine arches, tongue, pharynx, resembling in this picture of diphtheria.

The most characteristic feature is the emergence of the disease in the blood of a large number (60-80%) modified monocytes. ESR is usually raised.

For children age feature is the involvement in the process early in the disease nasopharyngeal tonsils that causes nasal congestion, but without the usual discharge, nasal voice can take shade. Another feature of the early age is to increase the tonsils. If an increase in nasopharyngeal tonsils and large, there is difficulty breathing, stridor especially increases in the horizontal position. In this regard, it is sometimes necessary to tracheostomy.

In rare cases the disease is accompanied by hemorrhagic diathesis, skin purpura, bleeding from mucosal lesions of the central (serous meningitis, meningoencephalitis) and peripheral (polyneuritis, paresis of the facial nerve) nervous system.

Angina agranulotsitarnaya. The defeat of the tonsils with agranulocytosis is one of the characteristic symptoms of this disease. Agranulotsitarnaya reaction hematopoiesis occurs in various kinds of stimuli - infectious, toxic, radiation therapy, or as a result of destruction of hematopoietic system during systemic diseases of the blood. Distinguished:
  • lightning
  • acute
  • subacute forms of agranulocytosis.

The disease begins with high fever. At the same time there are necrotic and ulcerative changes in the pharynx, in the tonsils, gums, throat. In rare cases, destructive changes occur in the intestine, bladder and other organs. Necrotizing process may extend into the soft tissues and bone.

Patients complain of severe pain in the throat, swallowing disturbance, increased salivation, putrid breath. The general condition remains grave, septic temperature, aching joints, there may be delirium. In the blood, severe leukopenia, a few days the neutrophil count drops to zero.

In the treatment of the main effort is directed to the activation of the hematopoietic system and the fight against secondary infection.

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