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Main » Traumatology » Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - treatment 
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - treatment

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - treatment

Cervical spine is very mobile and constantly experiencing stress, holding his head, so degenerative and dystrophic process in the cervical spine develops frequently. Women and men are equally likely to get sick. Promote the development of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine extended static posture with the head rotated continuously in one direction, such as prolonged computer usage, unfavorable labor of the same type with constant head movements.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine shows pain, vegetative-vascular syndrome or spinal syndrome. The first and most frequent clinical manifestation of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a pain in the neck. This syndrome is called cervicalgia. Studies show that the main cause of manifestation of osteochondrosis of the cervical bony growths are on the sides of the vertebrae, which are irritating to nearby muscles, ligaments, spinal cord membranes. Quite often found in the intervertebral discs and hernial protrusion. The nature of pain and other manifestations depend on the level of damage the spine.

With the defeat of the disc between the second and third cervical vertebrae, the patient complains of pain in the neck, extending to the chin, the tongue, the ear. The defeat of the disc between the third and fourth vertebra is characterized by pain in the neck, shoulder girdle. Posterior neck muscles on the affected side first tense, then may undergo atrophy. At this location of the lesion can appear pains in the heart and disrupt the tone of the diaphragm. Violation of the diaphragm tone can sometimes be accompanied by hiccups and flatulence. The localization of the disease at the level of the disc between the fourth and fifth cervical vertebra seen pain in the neck, shoulder girdle, shoulder. There is a numbness on the outer surface of the shoulder. May develop weakness of the deltoid muscle.

With the defeat of the disc between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae causing pain in the shoulder, forearm, and their outer surface. Pain may radiate to (give) in the first and second fingers. In these areas there is a feeling of numbness and tingling polznaniya. If there is a pathological process in the disc between the sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae the patient complains of pain in the back of the hand that gives the third finger. Finally, in osteochondrosis disc between the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebra there is pain on the inner surface of the hands, pain in the first finger of the hands, weakness of bringing the thumb.

In the presence of disc herniation in the cervical spine and compression of nerve root pain are permanent, paroxysmal, and usually less severe. The intensity of pain increases with movement and decreases in peace. Often the head position of patients is stimulated. Trying to turn the head causes severe pain. Neck muscles tense up. Some patients complain of a crunch in the neck while driving.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can manifest a specific syndrome, which is called the vertebral artery syndrome. It is believed that the hook-shaped growths of 6.4 cervical vertebrae, which act in the area of the intervertebral openings. This leads to irritation of the plexus of sympathetic nerve fibers and a narrowing of the vertebral artery. There are opinions that the narrowing of the vertebral artery arises reflexively in response to stimulation of the sympathetic nerve fibers.

Stenosis of the vertebral artery lead to a reduction of blood circulation in the brain stem, cerebellum. This is manifested dizziness, headaches in back of the head, tinnitus. All these symptoms may be aggravated by movement neck. Sometimes there is pain in the throat, sensation of a lump in my throat, throbbing in the ears. If concomitant neurotic disorders complaints of patients can be very different.

Manifestation of cervical degenerative disc disease may be cardiac syndrome. It occurs due to irritation of the sympathetic nerve fibers that go to the heart. There are pains in the heart, shoulders, shoulder girdle and neck. The pain intensified by coughing, turning the head. If a patient makes such a complaint, it must do an electrocardiogram and consult a cardiologist, that would exclude angina and other heart diseases.

The diagnosis of cervical degenerative disc disease is set on the basis of patients' complaints, the typical clinical picture. Perform x-rays and lateral, and special photos with your mouth open, in the functional projections. On X-rays can be detected to reduce the height of the intervertebral disc, the presence of bone growths, a narrowing of the intervertebral foramen. To clarify the diagnosis performed magnetic resonance imaging. Computed tomography less informative, since the bones of the cervical vertebrae overlap blades and skull.

Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease. Cure any degenerative disc disease is completely impossible. Improvements can be made, no relapse of the disease. An exacerbation of the disease is appointed by bed rest. We recommend wearing a semi-rigid collar type Schantz, to reduce the movements of the neck. Appointed by the painkillers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Appointed sosudoreguliruyuschie, diuretics, venotoniki. Used physiotherapy. In remission necessarily assigned to physical therapy. Exercise the patient should perform regularly, daily is better. There is evidence of a good effect of chondroprotectors - Teraflex, hondroksid, Alflutop. Chondroprotectors appointed long course. We recommend a spa treatment.

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