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Main » Urology » Orchitis - diagnosis, Treatment 
Orchitis - diagnosis, Treatment

Orchitis - diagnosis, Treatment

Orchitis is inflammation of the testicle. Primary orchitis is extremely rare and only in newborn children. The most common complication is orchitis other infectious diseases, and most often epidimicheskogo mumps. Can be complicated by orchitis flu, rheumatic disease, pneumonia, brucellosis. Orchitis may occur as a complication of diseases of the genitourinary system urethritis, prostatitis, epididymitis, vazikulitis. Often, orchitis appears after testicular trauma.

Adrift orchitis is an acute or chronic. There are more specific and nonspecific orchitis.

Specific orchitis orchitis is caused by specific microorganisms (tuberculosis, syphilis). The remaining micro-organisms cause infectious disease, which is different depending on what kind of microbe called him.

In acute orchitis in a patient suddenly have pain in one testicle smack in the groin, the lumbar-sacral region of the stomach, or sometimes in the thigh, body temperature rises, there are signs of general inflammation in the body (chills, weakness, sweating). Testis increases in size, the scrotum swells, the folds of her disappear. If untreated, can fester, then the patient's condition is deteriorating, pain in the testicle are amplified, scrotal skin reddens, becomes sharply painful to the touch.

In the diagnosis of orchitis using ultrasound. Sometimes testicular puncture is carried out and receive the purulent contents.

Treatment of orchitis. Patients assigned to bed rest. In order to have a testicle was at rest, using suspensory or enclose a towel under the scrotum. Appointed by the Diet with the exception of acute fatty and fried foods. Drink plenty of water. Be sure to designate an antibacterial treatment of the underlying infection that caused inflammation of the testicle. Usually assigned to broad-spectrum antibiotics (cephalosporins, aminoglycosides). When the acute process is assigned stihanii physiotherapy.

In suppurative orchitis is often required surgery - opening and drainage of abscess.

Results of treatment of acute orchitis is usually good. But bilateral orchitis in childhood and adolescence can end infertility.

Chronic orchitis occurs when the wrong or inadequate treatment of acute or chronic orchitis occurring infectious processes of genitourinary system - epididymitis, urethritis, prostatitis. In chronic orchitis can be confusing for the patient is not a strong pain in the testicle, and sometimes there are pains in the scrotum during walking.

Treatment of chronic orchitis long. We treat the underlying disease, physiotherapy. Elderly patients sometimes have to perform surgery - removal of the affected testicle.

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