Neurosis - a psychogenic mental disorders, personality disorders, resulting from a violation of especially significant relationship between man and life are manifested in specific clinical phenomena in the absence of psychotic phenomena.
For neurosis is characterized by:
reversibility of pathological disorders, regardless of their duration, presence of traumatic situations (stress needs to be individually significant and closely linked to the onset and course of the disease)
the presence of neurotic personality traits and the lack of psychological defense the identification of neurotic symptoms are characterized by high dynamism. With all the variety of different forms of separation of neurotic syndromes is generally accepted recognition of the three classical forms of neuroses:
neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis)
hysterical neurosis
obsessive-compulsive neurosis.
If you identify the characteristics of the dynamics of neurosis neurotic stage of the reaction, neurotic and neurotic state of development.
Psychosis - is expressed in the form of mental disorders in which the patient's mental activity characterized by a sharp discrepancy between reality, a reflection of grossly distorted the real world, which manifests itself in behavioral disturbances and unusual manifestation of psychosis in her normal pathological symptoms and syndromes (disorders of perception, memory, thinking, affectivity and others). Psychosis does not generate new phenomena, and is the result of loss of the higher levels.