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» Damage to the lateral ligaments of the knee joint
Damage to the lateral ligaments of the knee joint
The lateral collateral ligaments or knee are, according to its title, by his side surfaces. The outer lateral or collateral ligament fibula begins from the outer epicondyle (bony prominences) hips. It covers and reinforces the knee joint on the side. At the bottom of this ligament is attached to the head of the fibula. From the outer lateral ligament of the joint separates the layer of fatty tissue.
The outer lateral ligament knee damage being less than the inside, but it often breaks all a bunch of fully or completely ligament is detached from the place of its attachment to the epicondyle of femur.
The internal lateral ligament tibial collateral or subjected to traumatic injury more often. However, it is usually broken part. This bundle starts from the inner condyle of the femur. It has the form of a wide band, covers and strengthens the inner surface of the knee and the bottom is attached to the tibia. In addition, the fibers of the internal lateral ligament is woven into the joint capsule and into the fabric of the inner meniscus knee. Such attachment of ligaments leads to possible damage to the internal meniscus knee ligament trauma.
Damage to the lateral ligaments is the result of tension in the rejection of the shin. If the shank is deflected laterally (when walking on uneven ground, tucking his legs in heels, etc) ligaments are strong tension and tear or overstrain themselves. If you deviate outward leg is broken internal ligament, and if shin deflected inwards - there is damage to the external lateral ligament.
When you break the outer lateral ligament tear can occur fracture of the fibula head area, to attach the ligament. Patients complain of pain in the gap, which is intensified when you try to dismiss his leg out at break internal ligament, medially or rupture the outer ligament. Partial ligament show limited flexion of the knee and full breaks lead to excessive mobility (laxity) in the joint. Refine diagnosis by means of X-rays produced with special packings legs.
Treatment of lesions lateral ligaments of knee joint.
First of all, the injury done anesthesia 1% solution of novocaine. If the ligaments torn in part, on the leg from the upper thigh to ankle level is applied cast, which is called gypsum tutor.
Complete ruptures the internal lateral ligament, after anesthesia, and treated conservatively by imposing cast. Complete the gap external lateral ligament requires surgery, which should be held in the first days after traumatic injury. Usually these bundles diverge at a considerable distance. They pull up and sewn Mylar tape or plastic produced by the biceps femoris tendon. If there was a tear-off tops of a fracture of the fibula head, otlomok fixed to the fibula with a screw. Sometimes a bunch of not only broken, but the fibers into individual fibers. Then the reconstruction of the ligament with the use of grafts.
The results of treatment are not always satisfactory, because the cords are fused scar and this is accompanied by an increase in their length. Elongation affects the ligaments of the knee joint, which becomes unstable. If this instability is compensated by other entities knee (ACL, other divisions of the knee joint capsule), the function of the knee may be satisfactory.
In other cases, one has to resort to surgical treatment - reconstruction of collateral ligaments. There are two types of surgical procedures: plastic with tendon and ligament grafts to strengthen the movement or point of attachment of ligaments. The volume of transactions depends on the quality of trauma surgeons.