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Thursday, 24.10.2024, 06:43
Main » Vascular surgery » Treatment and prevention of pulmonary embolism 
Treatment and prevention of pulmonary embolism

Treatment of pulmonary embolism

Treatment of this disease consists of activities aimed at maintaining adequate blood circulation in the body, anticoagulation with heparin, thrombolytic therapy and, if necessary, surgery.

Supportive measures include oxygen therapy, pain management, if necessary, ventilation and antishock therapy.

Heparin is usually given intravenously immediately. Heparin was not able to dissolve existing blood clots in the vessel, but it prevents the formation of new clots. Heparin treatment, as in other conditions associated with thrombosis, usually lasts a week, after which the heparin is gradually being replaced by another class of anti-coagulants (eg warfarin). Treatment of these anticoagulants can last up to 6 months.

Thrombolytic therapy is aimed at dissolving a thrombus, plug the artery. Usually used drugs such as streptokinase, urokinase, and others. However, this method of treatment is absolutely contraindicated in patients recent stroke, bleeding gastric ulcer, that is, with the attendant diseases that threaten the development of bleeding.

Surgical treatment consists of surgery embolectomy. This operation is performed only when the patient's critical condition. The method consists in that. That using a special catheter inserted into the pulmonary artery, a blood clot breaks into smaller pieces and removed.

Prevention of pulmonary embolism

Prevention of venous thromboembolism is the prevention of risk factors (see above). When transferred thromboembolism doctor may recommend taking an anticoagulant (eg warfarin) for 6 months. It is aimed at preventing recurrent venous thromboembolism. During treatment with warfarin should be monitored periodically required blood clotting (such parameters as the coagulation time, prothrombin index, etc.). it is necessary to prevent complications that occur during treatment with anticoagulants. Strictly necessary to monitor the dosage of the drug received.

In some cases, such as when a patient has deep vein thrombosis leg, it is recommended to install in the lumen of the inferior vena cava cava filter special. This unit is in the form of mesh. Cava filter to prevent contact with blood clots and leg vein into the pulmonary artery. Cava filter may be installed temporarily until it is cured the underlying disease and time.

As the prevention of thrombosis, and as a result of them, pulmonary embolism, patients with risk factors is recommended elastic bandaging legs, or wearing special elastic stockings. This procedure is necessarily recommended for patients and during heavy prolonged operations.

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