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» The manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis
The manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis
The manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis
Symptoms of the disease associated with inflammation in the joints of the spine and other joints of the body and organs. The most common sign of active inflammation in the joints is fatigue. Inflammation in the joints of the spine can cause pain and stiffness in the back, upper buttocks, neck and sacrum. Usually, the pain and stiffness occur gradually and get worse over time. Rarely home spondylitis may be sudden. A characteristic feature is that these symptoms are usually worse in the morning or after a long absence of physical activity. It is often possible to remove the pain of movement, the action of heat or, for example, a warm shower in the morning.
Because ankylosing spondylitis often occurs at a young age, he is mistaken for a manifestation of possible injuries in young athletes.
With long-term chronic inflammation in the joints of the spine can cause spinal immobilization complete view of the "fusion" (ankylosis) of the intervertebral joints. It is noted this fact - the pain no longer bothers the patient, but that the mobility of the spine - is lost. These vertebrae are usually brittle and more prone to fractures. The sudden movement and pain in the spine in such patients may indicate the presence of a fracture. Most fractures occur in the lower cervical spine.
Chronic spondylitis and ankylosis cause that in the thoracic spine forward protrusion occurs, which limits the respiratory movements of the chest. In addition, spondylitis can move to the area and connect the ribs with the thoracic vertebrae, which further limits the respiratory movements of the chest.
Inflammation in ankylosing spondylitis can go to the lung tissue. In this case there may be a cough and shortness of breath, especially during physical exertion or cold. Therefore, respiratory failure may be the most serious complication of ankylosing spondylitis.
Patients also may experience arthritis in other joints, and not only in the joints of the spine - the hip, knee or ankle joints. At the same time there are all the classic signs of inflammation of the joint pain, swelling, redness, fever, joint and in violation of the movement in it. Sometimes it may be affected and the small joints of the toes, while they are in the form of a "sausage".
Inflammation can affect the cartilage of the sternum (kostohondit), as well as the tendons in the places where they are attached to bones (tendinitis). In some patients with ankylosing spondylitis may experience inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which leads to pain and restriction of mobility in the heel, especially when lifting a patient on the stairs. In addition, they may experience inflammation of the plantar fascia - a thin and durable fabric that covers the muscles and tendons on the plantar side of the foot (plantar fasciitis).
In ankylosing spondylitis marked as articular and extraarticular manifestations. The latter are associated with inflammation in other tissues and organs, for example, in the tissues of the eye, heart, kidneys and lungs.
When inflammation in the tissues of the eyes may occur the so-called iritis - inflammation of the iris. It is characterized by redness and pain in the eye, especially when the patient looks at the light. Recurrent cases of iritis can affect both eyes. In addition to inflammation of the tissues of the eye iritis can affect the ciliary body and choroid. Such inflammation called uveitis. Iritis and uveitis can be serious complications of ankylosing spondylitis, which lead to impaired vision.
It is worth noting that the defeat of the spine and joints of the eye may occur with other forms of arthritis, such as reactive arthritis (Reiter's syndrome), psoriatic arthritis, etc.
A rare complication of chronic inflammation in ankylosing spondylitis may be tissue damage of the heart, which is manifested by rhythm disturbances of the heart - namely, slowing heart rate. Such patients may need to install an artificial heart pacemaker - pacemaker. In addition to the cardiac conduction system, inflammation, and may affect the initial section of the aorta, which leads to failure of the valve with its attendant problems (heart failure).
Ankylosing Spondylitis, Symptoms, signs, inflammation in the joints of the spine, the manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis