There are infectious-allergic and noninfectious-allergic forms of asthma.
Infectious-allergic asthma is the most common form, accounting for more than two thirds of all cases of the disease. Infectious-allergic asthma develops against the backdrop of past infectious respiratory disease (pneumonia, pharyngitis, bronchitis, sore throat). In this case the allergen are micro-organisms.
For non-infectious form of allergic asthma allergen may be different substances both organic and inorganic pollen, street or house dust, feather, fur and dander and animal rights, food allergens (citrus fruits, strawberries, strawberry, etc.), medicinal substances (antibiotics, especially penicillin, vitamin B1, aspirin, aspirin, etc.), industrial chemicals (usually formalin, pesticides, cyanamide, inorganic salts of heavy metals, etc.).. In the event of non-infectious-allergic bronchial asthma has a value of genetic predisposition.
Regardless of the form of asthma are three stages of its development - predastmy, asthma and status asthmaticus.
Predastmy called chronic bronchial tubes or lungs. In the initial stages of developing asthma asthma attacks from time to time.
Asthma attacks often begin at night, going from a few minutes to several hours. Preceded by suffocation scraping in the throat, sneezing, runny nose, tightness in the chest. The attack begins with a persistent paroxysmal cough, phlegm there. There is a sharp difficulty exhaling, chest tightness, nasal congestion. Tighten all the muscles of the chest, neck, shoulder girdle, so that you can exhale air. Breathing becomes noisy, hissing, hoarse, audible at a distance. First, learning the breathing, then it becomes less likely - to 10 breaths per minute. A person acquires a bluish tint. The skin is covered with perspiration. By the end of the attack begins to separate sputum, which is becoming more liquid and abundant. The investigated parameters take proper normal values after inhalation of bronchodilator.
Asthmatic status - a state in which a severe attack of asthma does not stop for several hours or several days. In this case, those drugs that usually takes a sick, ineffective.