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Sunday, 02.02.2025, 05:45
Main » Oncology » Benign ovarian tumors,Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment 
Benign ovarian tumors,Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Benign ovarian tumors,Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Benign ovarian tumors are divided into:

connective tissue.

For epithelial ovarian tumors are usually related to:
  • smooth
  • papillary.
  • mucinous tumors:
  • actual or cystoma pseudomucinous cystoma

The main type of benign tumor of connective tissue - fibroma of the ovary is.

A separate group of hormonally active tumors account for ovarian tumors are divided into feminizing tumors (hormonal changes taking place on the "female type") and veriliziruyuschie tumors (hormonal shifts on the "male pattern").

Smooth-serous cystoma are thin-walled spherical shiny formation of small size. Reminiscent of ovarian cysts. Develops between the ages of 30-50 years and only manifests itself mainly complaining of abdominal pain.

Diagnosis is primarily based on ulrazvukovogo studies and biopsy.

The treatment mainly surgical, organ. Prognosis is favorable.

Papillary cystoma more diverse in structure and size and are most common in reproductive age. Symptoms develop earlier than in other ovarian tumors. Typically, these patients an unfavorable infectious background. There is a violation of the menstrual and fertility (reproductive) function. Most early and frequent symptom - abdominal pain and lower back. The pain may be given in the lower limbs. However, severe pain occurs mostly only in leg torsion of the tumor. Observed dysuria (violation mocheispuchskaniya), stool disorders, fatigue, poor sleep and appetite, but in some cases maybe asymptomatic disease.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out based on the clinic examination, ultrasound and some other auxiliary methods. Such tumors are often maligniziruyut (ozlokachestvlyayutsya).

Operative treatment, if possible Organ. The prognosis for the timely removal of cystoma favorable.

Mucinous cystoma have a rounded shape, structure dolchatuyu, shiny surface. The magnitude of the tumor is highly variable body to gigantic proportions. The tumor often develops in women over 40 years. Menstrual function usually does not suffer. Tumor growth is slow, so long may cystoma does not manifest itself. The main symptoms are associated only with increasing tumor size. The most frequent symptoms - a dull ache or heaviness in the abdomen, constipation, impaired urination, increased the size of the stomach. Mucinous cystoma often combined with other tumors of the genital organs.

Diagnosis is based on clinic examination, ultrasound data.

Surgical treatment, the amount of the operation depends on the woman's age and size of the cyst. Prognosis is favorable.

Psevdomiksoma ovary - a kind of mucinous cystoma. Often affects both the ovary. Symptoms similar to the mucinous cystoma specific symptoms are absent. Sometimes the disease masquerading as chronic appendicitis, or abdominal tumor. Most patients seek medical attention due to the increase the size of the stomach. For large amounts of tumor symptoms became more diverse.

Operative treatment - immediate radical surgery.

The prognosis for ovarian psevdomiksome serious, because cystoma capsule has a tendency to rupture. Despite the benign course, patients often die of developing malnutrition.

Connective ovarian tumor (fibroma) has ovoidnuyu form, usually repeating the form of the ovary. Often develops after age 40 are usually on a background of frequent violations of the menstrual and fertility. Often associated with uterine fibromyoma or ovarian cyst. Fibroma of the ovary is almost always accompanied by Meigs syndrome - ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity) and / or hydrothorax and / or anemia. Fibroma usually grows slowly. Complications of fibroids - twisting legs, necrosis and suppuration of the tumor. Malignancy is rare.

Treatment of rapid and depends on the size of the tumor, the woman's age, as well as some other related conditions.

Weather in the absence of favorable events.

Hormonally active ovarian tumors produce a more vivid and sometimes cause symptoms of the need to attract endocrinologists.

Diagnosis of these tumors do not usually cause any serious difficulty, though, and requires additional research methods. Hormonally active tumors, malignancy is rare.

Surgical treatment.

The prognosis for the removal of the tumor is favorable. A detailed analysis of hormonally active tumors - in a separate article.

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