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Thursday, 24.10.2024, 06:43
Main » ENT Diseases » Angina treatment 
Angina treatment

Angina treatment

Angina is often confused with colds. Often you will hear this: "Sorry, fell ill with angina." In fact, a sore throat - an infection disease, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. Most often, the causative agent of tonsillitis are streptococci.

The disease is manifested by inflammation of the tonsils. And that person just might be the only predisposing factor - a man and so weakened and the body copes poorly with various infections. Source of the disease - people.

Why angina inflamed tonsil it? Because they serve as a gateway for infection. And from there streptococci penetrate to the other organs. That's why angina frequent complications - inflammation of the middle ear, for example. If you treat a sore throat is not treated properly, or it may begin at once more unpleasant complications:
  • rheumatism
  • pyelonephritis
  • glomerulonephritis.

Another big disadvantage of angina that body does not produce immunity to the infection after the disease.

Most often suffer from angina at a young age - 30 years old.

Angina can not cure people's means, as many like to do. This disease can be defeated only with antibiotics. Even if there is a cure, so treatment is needed - do not forget that a sore throat can cause rheumatic fever, myocarditis, etc.

Self-acceptance of various drugs can also affect the outcome of treatment. For example, drugs tetracycline or sulfonamides - absolutely useless in the treatment of angina. Streptococci because these medicines are absolutely indifferent. Type of antibiotic and the dose may choose to count only the doctor. Since the dosage depends on the patient's age and on what he was treated with antibiotics for the last time. You can not carry on his feet sore throat - it can also lead to complications, which are then much harder to treat.

Required for the patient to bed. The patient must be isolated from others. Power - Gentle - exclude spicy dishes, spices, roughage. Should be given plenty of fluids. The temperature decrease only at high rates it. Prior to being more successful the patient will be at least 7 days.

Various packs and warming procedures can be performed only at normal body temperature.

Gargle. A very common misconception is that one only gargling can get rid of a sore throat. This is not the case. Gargle - adjuvant therapy in angina. To rinse suitable decoctions of sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, hypericum calendula. These plants can be used just for inhalation. Eucalyptus leaves in this case it is better to replace the oil solution.

If the treatment temperature does not rise more than 5 days and a sore throat is no longer concerned, we can assume that the patient has recovered.

Be sure to post-treatment blood tests and urine tests, an electrocardiogram done. Then the patient must still monitor their condition. Especially after 1-2 months. This is the time nedolechennaya angina may give a relapse, and complications may occur

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