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Acute pyelonephritis - diagnosis and Treatment

Acute pyelonephritis - diagnosis and Treatment

Acute pyelonephritis - an acute infectious-inflammatory disease of the kidney tissue and pyelocaliceal system of the kidneys. It may be primary or develop on the background of another existing kidney disease.

For the manifestation of acute pyelonephritis is characterized by high body temperature, pain in the lumbar region and changes in the urine. At first it may appear fever, profuse sweating, high body temperature, headache, pain in the joints. There is pain in the lumbar spine, the kidneys, upper quadrant.

In the diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis are important laboratory methods: urinalysis, blood and urine for the presence of microorganisms and susceptibility of microorganisms to antibiotics. To clarify the status of the urinary tract carried ultrasound of the kidneys.

Treatment of acute pyelonephritis. Treatment of acute pyelonephritis drug. The patient is usually hospitalized. We recommend bed rest, diet, drinking plenty of fluids. Be sure to prescribe antibiotics or other chemical antimicrobials. When initial treatment guided by a sensitivity analysis of micro-organisms found in urine, to antibiotics. Treatment starts with the most effective drug. For the treatment of pyelonephritis using different groups of antibiotics (the most effective - fluoroquinolone: norfloxacin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin), nitrofuranovogo drugs (furagin, furadonin) nitroksolinovaya acid. In order to prevent the transition of acute pyelonephritis in chronic, antibiotic therapy is prescribed to 6 weeks. In addition, adjuvants are used (dekaris, prodigeozan). Usually, the results of treatment are good, next week, with timely treatment, the patient's condition improved and in four weeks recovery occurs, but the antibiotics, the patient should receive up to 6 weeks.

If acute pyelonephritis was secondary, ie arose against the backdrop of another kidney disease, treatment must be appointed the underlying disease. If this is disrupted the flow of urine, the disease can be delayed, sometimes have purulent processes in the kidney or urinary tract is a stone with urolithiasis. In this case, you may need surgery.

Occasionally there are formidable complications:
  • apostematozny Jade
  • abscess
  • kidney carbuncle.

Apostematozny nephritis is characterized by the appearance of the kidney capsule of a large number of small pustules (the Apostles). He runs hard and in identifying apostematoznogo jade requires urgent surgical treatment.

Carbuncle is the formation of kidney tissue in the kidney of pyo-necrotic focus. Flows is difficult and as a complication requiring urgent surgery.

Abscess of the kidney is very rare and is a hotbed of purulent fusion of renal tissue. Treated surgically.

Acute pyelonephritis, manifestation, diagnosis, Treatment,

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