The most characteristic feature of hydrocephalus - outpacing the growth of head circumference, resulting in a visually well-defined form of hydrocephalus skull, greatly increased in volume. In addition, a sign of hydrocephalus in the newborn can be stressful bulging fontanelle, rapid tilting of the head, the displacement of the eyeballs down. In places where there was not a normal fusion of skull bones, may be formed rounded protrusions pulsating. Often there are cross-eyed. Sometimes marked decrease in vision and hearing loss, headaches, and nausea. A decrease of intelligence. In addition, the hydrocephalus seen in adult gait disturbance and urinary incontinence.
Increasing the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain tissue can disrupt the central nervous system. The most characteristic symptoms of hydrocephalus include: Headaches, feeling of heaviness in the head, usually growing in the mornings.
Nausea and vomiting in the morning.
Signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia: sweating, fall or rise in blood pressure, etc. serdtsebieine
Fatigue at loads at work.
Can be reduced libido, impotence.
Intracranial pressure is increased at low atmospheric pressure, so the weather changes in patients may be deteriorating.