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Friday, 31.01.2025, 15:58
Main » Cardiology » Physical exercise in hypertension 
Physical exercise in hypertension

Physical exercise in hypertension

As already noted, regular physical activity, strengthening the cardiovascular system, reduces blood pressure in hypertension. Indeed, one of the risk factors for heart disease is a sedentary, that is an inactive way of life. But fortunately, this risk can be eliminated by some simple measures in the form of physical exercise. In addition, these measures allow you to:

  • Strengthen the heart and cardiovascular system.
  • Improve blood circulation, which facilitates the flow of oxygen to the tissues.
  • To reduce the manifestations of heart failure.
  • To increase endurance.
  • Increase the body's energy resource that can carry more physical activity without the appearance of fatigue and shortness of breath.
  • Enhance the tone and muscle strength.
  • Improve flexibility of joints.
  • Strengthen bones.
  • Reduce excess weight and get rid of excess fat.
  • To reduce the effects of stress, depression and anxiety.
  • Increase self-esteem.
  • Improve sleep.
  • Exercise allows you more relaxed
  • As well as improving the appearance and overall health.

How to start

Before starting the exercise, check with your doctor first. It will help you find the appropriate exercise program that suits your level of fitness. Talk to your doctor about that:

  • How much exercise you can do every day?
  • How often should I do in a week?
  • What type of exercise is right for you?
  • What type of load should be avoided?
  • Should I take medicine before, during or after exercise?
  • Do I need to control heart rate during exercise?

What type of exercise is the best

All exercises can be divided into three main groups:
By stretching the muscles. Stretching the arms and legs before and after exercise helps prepare the muscles for physical activity and helps prevent muscle injury or excessive strain during exercise. In addition, this type of exercise helps to increase range of motion and flexibility.

Exercise for cardiovascular (aerobic). This type of exercise is a uniform type of physical activity, which involves large muscle. This type of exercise helps strengthen the heart and lungs, and also facilitates the flow of oxygen to the tissues. Aerobics - this is the best set of exercises for your heart. Over time, regular aerobic exercise reduces heart rate and blood pressure and improve breathing.
Exercises to strengthen and repeated muscle contractions.

What exercises are aerobics

Aerobic exercises include:

  • Walking
  • Jogging,
  • Jumping rope,
  • Biking,
  • Skiing cross country,
  • Skating,
  • Rowing
  • Swimming.

What should be included in an exercise program

Each session exercises should include warming up, workout and cool.

Warming. These exercises will help your body to gradually prepare for the exercise. Exercises to help reduce heating of the stress on the heart and muscles, gradually increase the respiratory rate, increase blood circulation and raise body temperature. It is best suited to warm up by stretching muscles, arm and leg movements of low intensity.

Training. This set follows the warming. It is necessary to monitor the intensity of exercise, heart rate monitoring. The most important thing is not to overdo it.

Cooling. This is the last phase of the exercise. It allows the body to gradually return to its previous rhythm. But this does not mean you should just sit down and catch my breath! This can lead to a slight dizziness and palpitations. So instead need to do exercises with a gradual decrease in intensity. In this complex suitable stretching of the muscles, but less power.

How to avoid overload

Increase the load slowly, especially if you have not previously engaged in aerobic exercise regularly.

Do not start the exercise immediately after eating. Wait at least 1 - 1.5 hours.

Before proceeding to the main complex work through aerobic exercises warming up for at least 10 minutes, and after the aerobic exercise - an exercise in cool, just over 10 minutes.

Conduct an exercise at a certain speed, which will allow you at the same time quietly talking.

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