Hiatal hernia - Treatment
Hiatal hernia, or diaphragmatic hernia occurs when a esophageal aperture (opening through which the esophagus enters the chest cavity from the abdominal) ventral part of the esophagus, stomach or abdominal portion of the esophagus with the stomach moves into the chest cavity. Sometimes through the esophageal opening into the chest cavity can be
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Diverticula of the esophagus - Treatment
Diverticula of the esophagus - a bulge in the wall of the esophagus as a blind sac or tube communicating with the lumen of the esophagus. This protrusion may interfere with swallowing function and promotion of food in the esophagus. In the oral protrusion can be trapped and accumulate food, inflammatory processes occur.
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Ulcers of the esophagus - Treatment
Ulcers of the esophagus is usually referred to as peptic.
Peptic ulcer - this ulcerative process in the upper digestive tract, in which the emergence and existence of the ulcer is due to the aggressive influence of gastric juice containing the enzyme pepsin and hydrochlo
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Inflammatory diseases of the esophagus
Inflammatory diseases of the esophagus called esophagitis.
Esophagitis - an inflammation of the esophageal wall, most of its inner lining, called the mucosa.
Predisposing factors for the development of esophagitis are eating too hot food, accidental or intentional
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Barretts esophagus - symptoms, diagnosis, Treatment
Barrett's esophagus - a disease that is caused by the replacement of cells of the upper layer of the esophageal mucosa in the cells that are normally found only in the stomach. That is, stratified squamous epithelium of the esophagus in the lower part is replaced by columnar epithelium of the stomach. This condition in
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Damage to the esophagus
Foreign bodies of the esophagus.
Foreign bodies in the esophagus are fairly common. Many of these patients - children. In the esophagus can get stuck and trapped large pieces of poorly chewed food, bones of fish and meat. Children can ingest a variety of small objects (buttons, beads, toy parts, coi
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Anatomy of the Liver
Liver - this is one of the largest and most important organs of the human body. The mass of the liver is about 3% by weight of an adult human body. It is located under the right liver dome diaphragm. The upper convex portion of the liver adjacent to the diaphragm. Somewhat concave from below the liver and converted to the abdominal organs.
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